Manipulation of large Data

Mahbubul Majumder, PhD
Sep 23, 2014

What is the challenge with large data?

  • It takes time to read the data

    • lot of memory needed and some times we can't keep everything in memory
    • a simple manipulation may take hours
    • can't see everything all together
  • How can we handle this?

    • Need a way to just read the headers of the data
    • read only few data or if possible a sample of data
    • use functions effectively, finding smart function is a challenge too. Otherwise write your own function.
    • low level computing, machine language is better
    • parallel computing

Where do we start from?

  • Two convenient packages, extremely fast. Faster than base R

    • data.table by Matt Dowle
    • dplyr by Hadley Wickham
    • both can handle really large data
    • if both are used together effectively, process can be extremely fast
  • data.table uses [] for all data manipulation

    • lots of flexible functionality
    • since all the syntax is within [] it is sometimes not very convenient to read
  • dplyr is based on a consistent grammar very easy to understand

    • easy to remember and write codes as everything comes naturally
    • if you don't know SQL, dplyr provides database functionality as well
    • dplyr works with data.table

Package data.table

  • Fast aggregation of large data (e.g. 100 GB in RAM)
  • To read a table use fread(), its faster than read.table() but works similarly
    • set nrows = 0 to see the column names of a massive data set
  • To create a table use function data.table()
  • data.table also works as a data.frame, so other functions can work with it

  • All syntax must be inside []

DT[row, column, by]

DT[where, select|update, by]

Subsetting and summarizing using data table


DT = data.table(x = rep( 
  c("a","b","c"), each=3), 
  y = c(1,3,6), v = 1:9)
   x y v
1: a 1 1
2: a 3 2
3: a 6 3
4: b 1 4
5: b 3 5
6: b 6 6
7: c 1 7
8: c 3 8
9: c 6 9
  • Quiz:
    DT[2] = ?
DT[x == "a", ]
   x y v
1: a 1 1
2: a 3 2
3: a 6 3
DT[ , sum(v), by=x]
   x V1
1: a  6
2: b 15
3: c 24
  • Same as tapply(DT$v,DT$x,sum)

  • Much faster than tapply()

Aggregated columns using data table

DT[ , z := y%%2, by=x]
   x y v z
1: a 1 1 1
2: a 3 2 1
3: a 6 3 0
4: b 1 4 1
5: b 3 5 1
6: b 6 6 0
7: c 1 7 1
8: c 3 8 1
9: c 6 9 0
DT[ , sum(v), by = list(x,z)]
   x z V1
1: a 1  3
2: a 0  3
3: b 1  9
4: b 0  6
5: c 1 15
6: c 0  9
   x y v z  w ww
1: a 1 1 1  6  2
2: a 3 2 1  6  2
3: a 6 3 0  6  2
4: b 1 4 1 15  5
5: b 3 5 1 15  5
6: b 6 6 0 15  5
7: c 1 7 1 24  8
8: c 3 8 1 24  8
9: c 6 9 0 24  8
   by = list(x,z)] 
  • It will collapse the data table
  • Notice the top two commands did not

Joining data table

   x y v z w ww
1: a 1 1 1 6  2
2: a 3 2 1 6  2
3: a 6 3 0 6  2
  • Faster than DT[x=='a']
W <- data.table(x=c("b","c","d"), foo=c(4,2,9))
   x foo
1: b   4
2: c   2
3: d   9
   x  y  v  z  w ww foo
1: b  1  4  1 15  5   4
2: b  3  5  1 15  5   4
3: b  6  6  0 15  5   4
4: c  1  7  1 24  8   2
5: c  3  8  1 24  8   2
6: c  6  9  0 24  8   2
7: d NA NA NA NA NA   9
  • Merging and doing some calculations on the fly
DT[W, sum(v)*foo]
   x V1
1: b 60
2: c 48
3: d NA

Grammar of data manipulation

  • Common tasks we need to do with data

    • filter
    • select
    • arrange
    • mutate
    • summarize
  • Five verbs in data manipulation

Package dplyr

  • Fast aggregation of large data (e.g. 100GB in RAM)
  • Provides functions of these verbs
    • filter()
    • select()
    • arrange()
    • mutate()
    • summarize()
  • Other important functions
    • groub_by()
    • summarise_each()

Filtering data record

  • Base R approach
tips[tips$size==3 & tips$tip > 4, ]
    total_bill   tip    sex smoker day   time size
40       31.27  5.00   Male     No Sat Dinner    3
171      50.81 10.00   Male    Yes Sat Dinner    3
215      28.17  6.50 Female    Yes Sat Dinner    3
239      35.83  4.67 Female     No Sat Dinner    3
240      29.03  5.92   Male     No Sat Dinner    3
  • dplyr approach
filter(tips, size==3, tip > 4)
  total_bill   tip    sex smoker day   time size
1      31.27  5.00   Male     No Sat Dinner    3
2      50.81 10.00   Male    Yes Sat Dinner    3
3      28.17  6.50 Female    Yes Sat Dinner    3
4      35.83  4.67 Female     No Sat Dinner    3
5      29.03  5.92   Male     No Sat Dinner    3

Selecting variables of interest

df <- head(tips,n=2)
  total_bill  tip    sex smoker day   time size
1      16.99 1.01 Female     No Sun Dinner    2
2      10.34 1.66   Male     No Sun Dinner    3
   tip    sex size
1 1.01 Female    2
2 1.66   Male    3
     sex smoker day   time size
1 Female     No Sun Dinner    2
2   Male     No Sun Dinner    3

Searching variables of interest

  • Variables can be selected based on search
    starts_with ends_with contains matches num_range

  • Variables can be dropped and renamed

select(df, contains('i'))
  total_bill  tip   time size
1      16.99 1.01 Dinner    2
2      10.34 1.66 Dinner    3
select(df, ends_with('e'))
    time size
1 Dinner    2
2 Dinner    3
select(df, matches('.a.'))
  total_bill day
1      16.99 Sun
2      10.34 Sun
select(df, -matches('.i.'))
     sex smoker day
1 Female     No Sun
2   Male     No Sun

Arranging or ordering data

df <- arrange(tips, total_bill)
head(df, n=5)
  total_bill  tip    sex smoker  day   time size
1       3.07 1.00 Female    Yes  Sat Dinner    1
2       5.75 1.00 Female    Yes  Fri Dinner    2
3       7.25 1.00 Female     No  Sat Dinner    1
4       7.25 5.15   Male    Yes  Sun Dinner    2
5       7.51 2.00   Male     No Thur  Lunch    2
df <- arrange(tips, total_bill, desc(tip))
head(df, n=5)
  total_bill  tip    sex smoker  day   time size
1       3.07 1.00 Female    Yes  Sat Dinner    1
2       5.75 1.00 Female    Yes  Fri Dinner    2
3       7.25 5.15   Male    Yes  Sun Dinner    2
4       7.25 1.00 Female     No  Sat Dinner    1
5       7.51 2.00   Male     No Thur  Lunch    2
  • Notice the differences in the 3rd and 4th rows

Creating new variable

  • Create a new column tiprate
df <- mutate(tips, tiprate = tip/total_bill)
  total_bill  tip    sex smoker day   time size tiprate
1      16.99 1.01 Female     No Sun Dinner    2 0.05945
2      10.34 1.66   Male     No Sun Dinner    3 0.16054
3      21.01 3.50   Male     No Sun Dinner    3 0.16659
4      23.68 3.31   Male     No Sun Dinner    2 0.13978
5      24.59 3.61 Female     No Sun Dinner    4 0.14681
6      25.29 4.71   Male     No Sun Dinner    4 0.18624
  • Base R approach
tips$tiprate <- with(tips, tip/total_bill)

Piping or chain operation

  • Filter then select then arrange then mutate
    • We can do all these steps on the fly
    • Piping %>% like UNIX pipe |
tips %>% 
  filter(size > 5) %>% 
  select(total_bill, tip, sex, day, size) %>% 
  arrange(tip) %>% 
  mutate(tiprate = tip/total_bill)
  total_bill tip    sex  day size tiprate
1      29.80 4.2 Female Thur    6  0.1409
2      27.05 5.0 Female Thur    6  0.1848
3      48.17 5.0   Male  Sun    6  0.1038
4      34.30 6.7   Male Thur    6  0.1953

Summary data by group

  x y z
1 c 1 6
2 a 1 7
3 a 2 8
4 b 1 5
5 b 2 3
6 c 2 9
7 c 3 2
grp_df <- group_by(df,x)
summarize(grp_df, w=mean(z))
Source: local data frame [3 x 2]

  x     w
1 a 7.500
2 b 4.000
3 c 5.667
df %>% 
  group_by(x) %>% 
  summarize(w = mean(z))
Source: local data frame [3 x 2]

  x     w
1 a 7.500
2 b 4.000
3 c 5.667
  • Quiz: What would be the output?
df %>% 
  group_by(x,y) %>% 
  summarize(w = mean(z))

Complex chain operation

tips %>% 
  filter(size > 3) %>% 
  select(total_bill, tip, sex, day, size) %>% 
  arrange(tip) %>% 
  mutate(tiprate=tip/total_bill) %>%
    select(total_bill, tip, sex, day, tiprate) %>% 
    group_by(sex, day) %>%
    summarise_each(funs(mean)) %>%
    filter(tiprate > 0.12)
Source: local data frame [5 x 5]
Groups: sex

     sex  day total_bill   tip tiprate
1 Female  Sun      29.90 4.540  0.1520
2 Female Thur      31.77 4.458  0.1423
3   Male  Sat      30.48 4.256  0.1403
4   Male  Sun      27.06 4.001  0.1518
5   Male Thur      30.80 4.925  0.1647

Joining or merging data

  • Package dplyr joining functions
    • inner_join
    • left_join
    • semi_join
    • anti_join
   x y v z  w ww
1: a 1 1 1  6  2
2: a 3 2 1  6  2
3: a 6 3 0  6  2
4: b 1 4 1 15  5
5: b 3 5 1 15  5
6: b 6 6 0 15  5
7: c 1 7 1 24  8
8: c 3 8 1 24  8
9: c 6 9 0 24  8
  • Another table W with common column x
  • Join DT and W only with matching x.
   x foo
1: b   4
2: c   2
3: d   9
  x y v z  w ww foo
1 b 1 4 1 15  5   4
2 b 3 5 1 15  5   4
3 b 6 6 0 15  5   4
4 c 1 7 1 24  8   2
5 c 3 8 1 24  8   2
6 c 6 9 0 24  8   2
  • Some rows of DT and W are not returned.

Joining or merging data

  x y v z  w ww foo
1 a 1 1 1  6  2  NA
2 a 3 2 1  6  2  NA
3 a 6 3 0  6  2  NA
4 b 1 4 1 15  5   4
5 b 3 5 1 15  5   4
6 b 6 6 0 15  5   4
7 c 1 7 1 24  8   2
8 c 3 8 1 24  8   2
9 c 6 9 0 24  8   2
  x y v z w ww
1 a 1 1 1 6  2
2 a 3 2 1 6  2
3 a 6 3 0 6  2
  x y v z  w ww
1 b 1 4 1 15  5
2 b 3 5 1 15  5
3 b 6 6 0 15  5
4 c 1 7 1 24  8
5 c 3 8 1 24  8
6 c 6 9 0 24  8
  • anti_join() and semi_join() are just subsetting DT
  • What about outer_join()?
    • sit tight
    • for now use merge()

Complete cases and duplication

df <- data.frame(
    x = c(1:3,2,4),
  x    y
1 1    A
2 2    B
3 3 <NA>
4 2    B
5 4    D
df %>% filter(
  x y
1 1 A
2 2 B
3 2 B
4 4 D
df %>% filter(
  complete.cases(df)) %>%
  x y
1 1 A
2 2 B
3 4 D
  • Wait for new function distinct()
  • ? duplicated
  • ? complete.cases

Reading assignment and references