Scraping HTML data from the web

Mahbubul Majumder, PhD
Oct 23, 2014

Sources of data online

  • Each web site is a source of data

  • Three ways to obtain data from the web

    1. we already worked on how to get entire web site into R and look for useful information
    2. scraping data from HTML tables or other tags
    3. using API provided by respective data sources
  • Web data could be structured or unstructured or semi-structured

    • plain texts are usually unstructured
    • HTML tables are usually structured
  • Sources of data through API

    • twitter, Facebook or other social or professional media or blog
    • mostly unstructured, but there may be intrinsic structure
    • some times very useful and interesting

Data in HTML documents

  • Often we see data in HTML tables

    • sports or crimes or others statistics
  • How would you get data from an HTML table

    • copy the data and paste in Excel (demonstration: get data from
    • Excel is very useful, every one should learn it
    • but it could be very tricky to handle large data table
    • manual operation is always risky
  • Fortunately we can do it automatically using package XML

# install.packages("XML")

Scraping HTML tables

  • First inspect the data by going to the HTML link

    • chrome has nice features to do that
    • write click on the page and select inspect element
    • can examine all the tags, attributes and values
  • As you scroll your mouse over the elements it will highlight in the page

    • go to the respective table which contains the data
    • get the id for that table
  • Demonstration with getting passing yards data

Inspecting HTML tables


Case Study: Gathering data from NFL web site

u0 <- ""
u1 <- "season=2012&seasonType=PRE&experience=&Submit=Go&"
u2 <- "archive=true&conference=null&statisticCategory=PASSING&"

url1 <- paste(u0,u1,u2,"d-447263-p=1&qualified=false", sep="")
url2 <- paste(u0,u1,u2,"d-447263-p=2&qualified=false", sep="")
url3 <- paste(u0,u1,u2,"d-447263-p=3&qualified=false", sep="")

# Scan the table
tables1 <- readHTMLTable(url1) 
tables2 <- readHTMLTable(url2)
tables3 <- readHTMLTable(url3)

# In HTML codes id="result" contains the desired data
bd1 <- tables1$result
bd2 <- tables2$result
bd3 <- tables3$result

# combine the multiple pages of data together
nflData <- rbind(bd1,bd2,bd3)

Case Study: Gathering data from NFL web site

  • Apply your knowledge to clean and shape the data for display
 [1] "Rk"      "Player"  "Team"    "Pos"     "\nComp"  "\nAtt"   "\nPct"  
 [8] "\nAtt/G" "\nYds"   "\nAvg"   "\nYds/G" "\nTD"    "\nInt"   "\n1st"  
[15] "\n1st%"  "\nLng"   "\n20+"   "\n40+"   "\nSck"   "\nRate" 
names(nflData) <- gsub("\n","",names(nflData))
[1] TRUE
nflData$Rate = as.numeric(as.character(nflData$Rate))
# get top 15 players based on Rating
datPlot <- nflData[order(nflData$Rate,decreasing=T)[1:15],]

Case Study: Gathering data from NFL web site

ggplot(datPlot, aes(reorder(Player,Rate), Rate)) + 
  geom_point(stat = "identity") + coord_flip() + theme_bw()+
  ylab("Rating") + xlab("Player")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5

Gathering twitter data

  • twitter provides API to obtain tweets information

  • Use R package twitteR to extract and work with twitter data

    • you can search specific tweets by person, location, topic etc.
    • analyse re-tweets
    • install twitteR from github not CRAN what you usually do
  • twitter data some times provides interesting information about current incidents

  • Challenge is how to handle various languages and grammar or spelling

    • some times it is highly misleading to decide based on one language
    • in tweets many people don't care about spelling or mixing language

Setting up twitter API

#install.packages(c("devtools", "rjson", "bit64", "httr"))
#install_github("twitteR", username="geoffjentry")

api_key <- "your api key"  
api_secret <- "your api secret" 
access_token <- "your access tocken"
access_token_secret <- "your access tocken secret"

[1] "Using direct authentication"

Case Study: Getting the tweets about data science

dsTweet <- searchTwitter("data science")
dfTweet <- twListToDF(dsTweet)
tweetText <- dfTweet$text
[1] "RT @KirkDBorne: Get the 1-page R Survival Guides for #DataScientists: #abdsc #BigData #Analytics #Rstats…"
[2] "RT @Steve_Burkett: #Football Scouting actually is a science not rocket science but does require advanced data analysis techniques to be suc…"
[3] "RT @Steve_Burkett: #Football Scouting actually is a science not rocket science but does require advanced data analysis techniques to be suc…"
[4] "RT @KirkDBorne: Get the 1-page R Survival Guides for #DataScientists: #abdsc #BigData #Analytics #Rstats…"
[5] "Reminder for Today's  Event"                                                                                          
[6] "RT @Steve_Burkett: #Football Scouting actually is a science not rocket science but does require advanced data analysis techniques to be suc…"

Case Study: tweets of Dr. Sanjay Gupta

user <- getUser("drsanjaygupta")
sanjay <- userTimeline(user, n=500)
snDf <- twListToDF(sanjay)
snText <- snDf$text
snWords <- str_extract_all(snText, '(\\w+)')
[1] "MsNikki214" "I"          "really"     "appreciate" "that"      
[6] "Thank"      "you"       

 [1] "NY"         "amp"        "NJ"         "quarantine" "rule"      
 [6] "will"       "cover"      "anyone"     "not"        "just"      
[11] "health"     "care"       "workers"    "known"      "to"        
[16] "have"       "had"        "contact"    "with"       "an"        
[21] "Ebola"      "patient"   

 [1] "NY"          "amp"         "NJ"          "health"      "departments"
 [6] "order"       "21"          "day"         "quarantine"  "for"        
[11] "all"         "returning"   "health"      "care"        "workers"    
[16] "who"         "ve"          "had"         "direct"      "contact"    
[21] "with"        "Ebola"       "patients"   

 [1] "here"       "s"          "why"        "you"        "don"       
 [6] "t"          "need"       "to"         "worry"      "about"     
[11] "ebola"      "even"       "though"     "there"      "s"         
[16] "now"        "another"    "case"       "in"         "the"       
[21] "US"         "http"       "t"          "co"         "bUx9I7T3Ta"

 [1] "Here"       "is"         "a"          "good"       "time"      
 [6] "line"       "for"        "Dr"         "Craig"      "Spencer"   
[11] "Ebola"      "ebol"       "http"       "t"          "co"        
[16] "E5Sks6ylWb"

 [1] "Admin"       "official"    "just"        "told"        "me"         
 [6] "considering" "mandatory"   "quarantine"  "for"         "healthcare" 
[11] "workers"     "returning"   "from"        "W"           "Africa"     
[16] "We"          "understand"  "public"      "fear"       

Case Study: Hashtags in Dr. Sanjay Gupta's tweets

snHashtags = str_extract_all(snDf$text, "#\\w+")
freq <- table(unlist(snHashtags))

wordcloud(names(freq), freq, random.order=FALSE, colors="#1B9E77")
title("\n\nWhat Dr. Sanjay is talking about",
    cex.main=1.5, col.main="gray50")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-10

Sources of tweets

r_tweets <- searchTwitter("#rstats", n=300)
sources <- sapply(r_tweets, function(x) x$getStatusSource())
sources <- gsub("</a>", "", sources)
sources <- strsplit(sources, ">")
sources <- sapply(sources, function(x) ifelse(length(x) > 1, x[2], x[1]))
source_table = table(sources)
df <- data.frame(names(source_table),source_table)
ggplot(df[df$Freq>8,], aes(reorder(sources,Freq),Freq)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity") + coord_flip()

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-11

Reading assignment and references