Exploring data from database: MySQL, R and dplyr

Mahbubul Majumder, PhD
Nov 11, 2014

Database management system

  • Database is an organised collection of data

    • typically cleaned and structured data
  • Database management system (DBMS)

    • allows to store, modify, and extract information from a database
    • MySQL, ORACLE, MS SQL, DB2, MS ACCESS, Informix
  • RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System

    • data is stored in database objects called tables
    • tables can be joined through keys and indexes
  • SQL is used to work with DBMS

What is SQL ?

  • A standard language for accessing and manipulating data in databases
    • SQL stands for Structured Query Language
    • allows retrieving and manipulating data as well as administrative operations
    • common verbs are SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT
    • administrative verbs CREATE, ALTER, DROP
    • common clauses and Keywords are FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY
  • A typical SQL command
SELECT <column names seperated by comma>
  FROM <database table>
  WHERE <condition>
  GROUP BY <column name>
  ORDER BY <column name>
  • You can do nesting or joining of two or more SELECT commands

Accessing MySQL

  • To connect MySQL, use the following command. Provide password when prompted
mysql -u training -p
  • To display the available databases the command is show. For example this code will display all the available databases for user training.
show databases;
  • To select a particular database, the command is use. For example we select the training trainingDB as follows
use trainingDB;
  • Once we select a database, we can view the tables
show tables;

| Tables_in_trainingdb |
| hubstation           |
| hubway               |
| titanic              |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  • Te get the description about a particular table use the following command. It will display column information of the specific table.
describe titanic;

About table titanic

describe titanic;

| Field     | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| pclass    | char(3)      | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| survived  | char(1)      | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| name      | varchar(34)  | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| sex       | char(6)      | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| age       | decimal(6,4) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| sibsp     | int(11)      | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| parch     | int(11)      | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| ticket    | varchar(20)  | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| fare      | decimal(7,4) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| cabin     | varchar(16)  | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| embarked  | varchar(12)  | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| boat      | char(2)      | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| body      | int(11)      | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| home_dest | varchar(32)  | YES  |     | NULL    |       |

Fetching data using SQL

select name, pclass, age, sex from titanic limit 10;

| name                            | pclass | age     | sex    |
| Allen, Miss. Elisabeth Walton   | 1st    | 29.0000 | female |
| Allison, Master. Hudson Trevor  | 1st    |  0.9167 | male   |
| Allison, Miss. Helen Loraine    | 1st    |  2.0000 | female |
| Allison, Mr. Hudson Joshua Crei | 1st    | 30.0000 | male   |
| Allison, Mrs. Hudson J C (Bessi | 1st    | 25.0000 | female |
| Anderson, Mr. Harry             | 1st    | 48.0000 | male   |
| Andrews, Miss. Kornelia Theodos | 1st    | 63.0000 | female |
| Andrews, Mr. Thomas Jr          | 1st    | 39.0000 | male   |
| Appleton, Mrs. Edward Dale (Cha | 1st    | 53.0000 | female |
| Artagaveytia, Mr. Ramon         | 1st    | 71.0000 | male   |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Fetching data using SQL

select pclass, survived, avg(age) as avg_age from titanic   
   group by pclass, survived;
| pclass | survived | avg_age     |
| 1st    | 0        | 43.24757282 |
| 1st    | 1        | 36.83379392 |
| 2nd    | 0        | 33.16780822 |
| 2nd    | 1        | 24.85869565 |
| 3rd    | 0        | 25.97454946 |
| 3rd    | 1        | 21.54516565 |
select pclass, survived, avg(age) as avg_age from titanic
   where survived=1
   group by pclass, survived;
| pclass | survived | avg_age     |
| 1st    | 1        | 36.83379392 |
| 2nd    | 1        | 24.85869565 |
| 3rd    | 1        | 21.54516565 |

Regular expression in MySQL

  • Find the passenger whose name contains the word 'sen' that follows only one letter.
select name, pclass, survived, age from titanic 
   where name regexp '^.sen.+';
| name                | pclass | survived | age     |
| Osen, Mr. Olaf Elon | 3rd    | 0        | 16.0000 |
  • Find the passengers whose first name contains 'Jakob'
select name, pclass, survived, age from titanic 
   where name regexp 'Jakob.*$';
| name                       | pclass | survived | age     |
| Birnbaum, Mr. Jakob        | 1st    | 0        | 25.0000 |
| Johanson, Mr. Jakob Alfred | 3rd    | 0        | 34.0000 |
| Pasic, Mr. Jakob           | 3rd    | 0        | 21.0000 |
| Wiklund, Mr. Jakob Alfred  | 3rd    | 0        | 18.0000 |

Regular expression in MySQL

  • Same command does not work with name part 'Ivar' since last name 'Givard' also contains that name part. Since we are interested about the first name only, what should we do?
select name, pclass, survived, age from titanic 
   where name regexp 'Ivar.*$';
| name                         | pclass | survived | age     |
| Givard, Mr. Hans Kristensen  | 2nd    | 0        | 30.0000 |
| Berglund, Mr. Karl Ivar Sven | 3rd    | 0        | 22.0000 |
  • The ',.*' makes sure that the expression matches only the first name.
select name, pclass, survived, age from titanic 
   where name regexp ',.*Ivar.*$';
| name                         | pclass | survived | age     |
| Berglund, Mr. Karl Ivar Sven | 3rd    | 0        | 22.0000 |

R and MySQL

  • We can work on MySQL from R by using package RMySQL
  • Set up the connection
con = dbConnect(MySQL(),user="training", password="training123", 
                dbname="trainingDB", host="localhost")
  • Now get some data
myQuery <- "select pclass, survived, avg(age) from titanic
               where survived=1 group by pclass;"
dbGetQuery(con, myQuery)
  pclass survived avg(age)
1    1st        1 36.83379
2    2nd        1 24.85870
3    3rd        1 21.54517

Getting MySQL data into a dataframe

myQuery <- "select pclass, avg(fare) as avg_fare from titanic
              group by pclass;"
myData <- dbGetQuery(con, myQuery)
ggplot(myData, aes(pclass, avg_fare)) + geom_bar(stat="identity")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-19

What if you don't know SQL

  • R package dplyr considers database tables as data frame
conDplyr = src_mysql(dbname = "trainingDB", user = "training", 
                password = "training123", host = "localhost")

myData <- conDplyr %>%
  tbl("titanic") %>%
  select(pclass, sex, age, fare, survived, parch) %>%
  filter(survived==0) %>%

Source: local data frame [6 x 6]

  pclass    sex age     fare survived parch
1    1st female   2 151.5500        0     2
2    1st   male  30 151.5500        0     2
3    1st female  25 151.5500        0     2
4    1st   male  39   0.0000        0     0
5    1st   male  71  49.5042        0     0
6    1st   male  47 227.5250        0     0

Using dplyr to manipulate database table

myData <- conDplyr %>%
  tbl("titanic") %>%
  select(pclass, sex, survived) %>%
  group_by(pclass, sex) %>%
  summarise(survival_ratio = mean(survived)) %>%

ggplot(myData, aes(pclass,survival_ratio, color=sex, group=sex)) +
  geom_point(size=3) + geom_line()

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-21

Lazy operation by dplyr

  • How does being lazy help?
    • dplyr delays the actual operation until necessary
    • it loads data onto R from the database only when we need it
    • these sequences of commands do nothing and do not query database table yet
myDF <- tbl(conDplyr,"titanic")
myDF1 <- filter(myDF, fare > 150)
myDF2 <- select(myDF1, pclass,sex,age,fare)
myDF3 <- group_by(myDF2, pclass,sex)
myDF4 <- summarise(myDF3, 
                   avg_age = mean(age),
                   avg_fare = mean(fare))
  • Only following command will trigger the actual loading of the data onto R
head(myDF4, n=2)
  pclass    sex  avg_age avg_fare
1    1st female 35.15152 232.9025
2    1st   male 37.58854 248.7482

View the query run by dplyr

<Query> SELECT `pclass`, `sex`, `avg_age`, `avg_fare`
FROM (SELECT `pclass`, `sex`, AVG(`age`) AS `avg_age`, AVG(`fare`) AS `avg_fare`
FROM `titanic`
WHERE `fare` > 150.0
GROUP BY `pclass`, `sex`) AS `_W2`
<Query> SELECT `pclass` AS `pclass`, `sex` AS `sex`, `age` AS `age`, `fare` AS `fare`
FROM `titanic`
WHERE `fare` > 150.0

Trigger the loading of data using collect()

Source: local data frame [2 x 4]
Groups: pclass

  pclass    sex  avg_age avg_fare
1    1st female 35.15152 232.9025
2    1st   male 37.58854 248.7482
Source: local data frame [6 x 4]

  pclass    sex     age     fare
1    1st female 29.0000 211.3375
2    1st   male  0.9167 151.5500
3    1st female  2.0000 151.5500
4    1st   male 30.0000 151.5500
5    1st female 25.0000 151.5500
6    1st   male 47.0000 227.5250

The whole process can be run by chaining

conDplyr %>%
  tbl("titanic") %>% 
  filter(fare > 150) %>%
  select(pclass,sex,age,fare) %>%
  group_by(pclass,sex) %>% 
  summarise(avg_age = mean(age),
            avg_fare = mean(fare))
Source: mysql 5.6.20 [training@localhost:/trainingDB]
From: <derived table> [?? x 4]
Grouped by: pclass 

   pclass    sex  avg_age avg_fare
1     1st female 35.15152 232.9025
2     1st   male 37.58854 248.7482
..    ...    ...      ...      ...

Connecting various databases

  • While package RMySQL provides connectivity to MySQL database, you can use package RODBC to connect various databases.

  • ODBC stands for Open Database Connectivity

    • provides API to access DBMS
    • RODBC does the same for R
  • dplyr can work under ODBC connection.

Reading assignment and references